In the event rental industry, every business could benefit from saving time and money when doing administrative tasks. Sound relatable?

Since Melissa and Richard Carrier began using Goodshuffle Pro to automate their entire sales process, they now generate quotes 50% faster, reduce administrative tasks by 90%, and have doubled their inbound website sales.

In this webinar, we’ll explore:

  • How Goodshuffle Pro’s inventory management software helps automate the sales process.
  • How Goodshuffle’s Website Integration helps increase sales, improve website SEO, and simplify website maintenance by 90%.
  • The impact Goodshuffle Pro’s technology has made for Total Events.


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Team Goodshuffle

Goodshuffle Pro is all-in-one software for event pros. Our team brings a wealth of event industry knowledge and tech know-how to the table. We're on a mission to streamline the way event companies to track rentals, manage sales and events, and grow their business.